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Medium Bad-Assery
Welcome to Medium BadAssery
Welcome to Medium Bad-Assery! (3:40)
Shortcuts and Secrets (Keep these guides handy)
Additional Resources
Introduction to the Medium Platform (Quick Start)
1. Quickstart Guide Intro (0:28)
2. Logging into Medium (1:52)
3. Getting a Medium membership (1:51)
4. Setting up your Medium profile (12:08)
5. Set up a Stripe account and join the Medium partner program (4:11)
6. Create a story (2:06)
7. Medium Story Settings & Adding to publications (4:50)
8. Viewing your notifications (0:45)
9. Stats pages. Overall stats and story stats. (3:07)
10 Create a Medium Publication (2:03)
Medium Bad-Assery: The Full Course
Lesson 0: Who are Tim and Todd? (9:49)
Lesson 1: Set Up a Profile That Commands Respect (30:37)
Lesson 2: Learn How the Money Flows on Medium (42:04)
Lesson 3: How to Come Up With Your Best Ideas (79:30)
Lesson 4: Align Your Schedule for Massive Writing Output (49:21)
A Quick Intermission (and one small request) (1:22)
Lesson 5: Edit Your Articles Like a Pro (93:27)
Lesson 6: How to Separate Yourself as a Writer (52:09)
Lesson 7: Plan for a Viral Post... Without Writing a Word (78:13)
Lesson 8: Learn to Leverage Publications (67:52)
Lesson 9: Become a Curation Champion (22:30)
Lesson 9a: How to Find the Hidden Curation Tags (2:41)
Lesson 10: Constant Refinement (Moving Forward) (25:26)
Bonus Lesson: Headlines and Subheads (In Depth)
Bonus Lesson: Images and Introductions (In Depth)
Bonus Lesson: Medium Curation (Beginner Discussion)
Read Like a Writer - The Secrets to Finding More Stories to Inspire You
Read Like a Writer (Part 1) - Adding to your reading list (0:59)
Read Like a Writer (Part 2) - Share a story on social media (0:54)
Read Like a Writer (Part 3) - Medium Search function (0:48)
Read Like a Writer (Part 4) - Customize your interests to change your newsfeed (1:58)
Introducing Medium 3.0
The Multiple Revenue Steam Model (4:10)
The Power is Going from Publications to Indie Writers (2:30)
The Subscribe Revolution (7:08)
Follow First - New Changes for Medium (4:45)
Medium Lists Update (2:29)
Medium Tag Pages Update (2:22)
Teach online with
3. Getting a Medium membership
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